The ultrasound program at the North Platte Valley Medical Center recently received upgrades to advance its echocardiogram and ultrasound capabilities for our patients.

The Corbett Medical Foundation funded the addition of the GE echo contrast package, which is used to highlight the chambers of the heart, and to improve the delineation of the endocardial border in patients with suboptimal imaging windows.

With the prevalence of heart disease in Carbon County, this is an especially important capability to help diagnose patients who may have heart issues. Prior to this upgrade, patients would have to travel at least two hours, one way, for this specific diagnostic imaging.

In addition, the Corbett Medical Foundation also funded board registry review study guides for NPVMC’s Sonographer Shelby Krugman as she prepares to take registry exams in additional ultrasound specialties.

, Corbett Medical Foundation funds ultrasound upgrades, North Platte Valley Medical CenterCorbett Medical Foundation also funded the renewal of the annual membership and course material for the Sonosim continuing education program, and a special ergonomic chair that assists with patient comfort and ultrasound accuracy.

In all, the Corbett Medical Foundation funded about $6,000 of improvements and education for NPVMC’s ultrasound program.

We are incredibly grateful to the Corbett Medical Foundation and this wonderful community that supports it — it’s because of you that we can bring quality healthcare to the valley.