Need to see a specialist about a medical condition? Healthcare providers from Laramie, Casper and the Denver area regularly see patients in Saratoga at the North Platte Valley Medical Center.
Doctors specializing in cardiology, general surgery, urology, spine and orthopedics, and geriatrics see patients once a month at NPVMC.
Make an appointment today. Call for more information (307) 326-3169 or visit our Find a Provider page to learn more about each provider.
Visiting Specialists Regularly Visiting NPVMC in Saratoga:
Dr. Oleg Ivanov, M.D., F.A.C.C.,
Cardiology Specialist
Wyoming Cardiopulmonary Services, PC – Casper, WY
Appointments: Call toll-free 800-445-3501, option 2 to schedule.
Dr. Michael E. Janssen, DO
Board Certified Spine Surgeon
Center for Spine & Orthopedics – Denver, CO
Appointments: Call (800) 810-9352
Dr. Jack Ullrich, MD
General Surgery
Ivinson Medical Group – Laramie, WY
Appointments: Call (307) 755-4540
Dr. Emma Bjore, MD
Ivinson Medical Group – Laramie, WY
Appointments: Call (307) 326-3169 for details
Dr. H. Lyle Pierce
Urology Clinic, PC – Laramie, WY
Appointments: Call (307) 745-3097
Premier Bone & Joint Centers
Laramie, WY
Appointments: 1-888-WYO-PBJC