Celebrate Wyoming’s 134th birthday on July 10th with a donation to the Corbett Medical Foundation.

The Corbett Medical Foundation is the fundraising arm of the North Platte Valley Medical Center and supports several donor-designated funds.

Your donation will go further and make a bigger difference in our community, if you make a donation on July 10th through WyoGives.org.

Donations made to the foundation on the WyoGives website will be boosted by the Hughes Charitable Foundation Incentive Pool.


“We have a significant opportunity to raise some funds with the incentive match. We really appreciate all the past support we have received from our donors.”

– Laura Bucholz
Vice President of Corbett Medical Foundation
& Secretary of Platte Valley Healthcare Project


How your donation helps:

  • Mammogram Fund (mammograms for uninsured patients)
  • Komen Cancer Fund (secondary diagnostics such as biopsy and ultrasound for breast cancer patients)
  • Chip in for Cancer Fund (helping patients with expenses when traveling for cancer treatment)
  • Diana Raymer Benevolent Fund (helping patients who cannot otherwise afford it pay for doctor visits and prescriptions)
  • Recruitment and Retention Fund (helps keep our providers at competitive levels to keep them in our Valley)
  • General Fund (purchase of unbudgeted equipment, software, etc.)
  • Build a Strong Foundation Fund (dedicated to the North Platte Valley Medical Center)

Learn more at WyoGives.org

Ensure that your donation goes further and make a bigger difference in our community – Mark your calendar and donate on July 10th!

Donate through the WyoGives website on July 10th to have your donation boosted.

Donate on July 10th and have your donation boosted, Donate on July 10th and have your donation boosted, North Platte Valley Medical Center