The North Platte Valley Medical Center has received its American College of Radiology (ACR) accreditation recognizing its mammography unit. The ACR accreditation is a recognized gold standard in medical imaging.

According to the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA), a new facility must apply for accreditation of all mammography units and receive a provisional MQSA certificate from the FDA before performing any mammograms. NPVMC procured a provisional license from the FDA in March 2023, before the medical center opened in May.

With a provisional license in hand, the NPVMC radiology department was able to begin performing 3D digital mammograms on patients on opening day, May 30, 2023. The NPVMC radiology team began the rigorous ACR accreditation process this summer.

Obtaining ACR accreditation involves a self-assessment and a peer review that is a transparent voluntary process focusing on diagnostic image quality, staff qualifications, policies, protocols, equipment and therapeutic treatment. The ACR ensures that patients receive quality radiological care and diagnostic treatment. It is comprised of 34,000 physicians, the largest and oldest medical imaging accrediting body.

ACR accreditation helps assure patients that a facility provides the highest level of image quality and safety by documenting that the facility meets the requirements for the equipment, medical personnel and quality assurance.

“We are extremely proud of our mammography program,” said NPVMC COO Eva Marie Popelka. “Not only do we have top of the line equipment, we also have a tremendously talented and dedicated staff.  We are lucky to have this available in the valley.” 

The NPVMC radiology department uses a Senographe Pristina 3D digital mammography unit – the first machine regulated by the FDA that delivers superior diagnostic accuracy at the same low dose as a 2D FFDM (full field digital mammography), the lowest patient dose of all FDA approved digital breast tomography systems. Additionally, the department provides ultrasound, DEXA scan (bone density testing), MRI, X-ray, fluoroscopy and CT.

To schedule a mammogram at NPVMC, call (307) 326-3169.

Join us for a Pink Party on October 18th

Join us for a Pink Party in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and to celebrate NPVMC Radiology earning American College of Radiology accreditation.

Pink Party Details

WHEN: Wednesday, October 18th, 4-6 p.m.
WHERE: Radiology Department at the North Platte Valley Medical Center
WHAT: Snacks, games, breast cancer information and vote on your favorite painted pumpkin at this free, fun event.

Enter the Painted Pumpkin Contest!
Paint a pumpkin in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness and enter it in the contest. Winner will be determined by partygoer votes. $10 ENTRY FEE – All entry fees will be donated to the Corbett Medical Foundation’s mammogram fund. 100% of donations stay local!

Local businesses are encouraged to participate as this is a wonderful way to represent your business while supporting breast cancer patients and screenings in the valley.

Call Corie to enter a pumpkin (307) 227-6042.

Mammography unit gets gold standard accreditation, Mammography unit gets gold standard accreditation, North Platte Valley Medical Center
Mammography unit gets gold standard accreditation, Mammography unit gets gold standard accreditation, North Platte Valley Medical Center